Saturday, November 24, 2007

"he's in london with scott williams being gay."

So we won the Victory Bell and I have been drunk since 12:30 PM and we're playing the Mormons. This is a live blog. Carry on.



a.: Marcus Ginyard should wear football pads sometimes.
shep.: Marcus Ginyard should wear nothing.

17:01, first half: Dear Mormons, STOP DOING THAT, Love, dex. & shep.

11:04, first half: It is entirely possible we're too drunk to live blog.

Also, shep. just said: I would totally tie the Paulus up. I leave it to you to decide WHICH PAULUS.

7:53, first half:

dex.: I think The Roy got a new suit for Vegas!
shep.: Wanda bought it for him!

You guys, I'm sorry: we're drunk. Very drunk. Somebody come tell us what happened to Ty Lawson.

7:20, first half:

a.: That is the face of somebody who is recently hungover. I know that face. I hang out with you guys enough.

4:41, first half:

dex.: Tell the Mormons to stop dunking!
potter: They don't listen to me, they only listen to God.

11:41, second half:

potter: Just for the record, I'm just saying -- [Tyler Hansbrough] had his face in a Mormon's crotch, I'd say he had a good game.

You guys. We are too drunk to live blog. We're comparing Mormons to shep.'s brother and talking about which Mormons we want to sleep with -- and. You know. I need to go lie down, okay?

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