Saturday, December 1, 2007

A bulletin of no importance.

Just FYI for those devoted readers looking forward to me liveblogging Carolina @ Kentucky in the afternoon on Saturday: shep. and I will be en-route home from Charlotte during the game, because a. and her family have very gracefully provided us with two tickets to Davidson/Duke, so we can check out the enemy in person, and possibly punch a Paulus or two, depending on how many are attending. Liveblogging will return to your regularly scheduled drunkenness for the game at Penn on Tuesday evening.

I can't promise to root for Duke tomorrow -- my father says I should, because it would be good for my karma, and given how many nice things we said about Billy Donovan last March, we do believe in karma here in the CH -- but I will do my best not to root too hard for Davidson, although Steph Curry is the best player I wish was on our roster this year. I shall try very hard to be an impartial observer, which is easier to do sober than drunk. I make no such promises for shep., which is for the best: if I promised she would root for Duke, she might punch me instead of a Paulus.

Be excellent to each other, feel free to text either of us while we're on the road home with score updates from the Carolina game if you've got the numbers, and remember: around here, we root for Carolina and whoever's making Matt Ryan look like a hack. Go Hokies.

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